StrataDOC > StrataDOC (VMware Version) > > ftServer 28x0, 48x0, and 68x0 Systems

ftServer 28x0, 48x0, and 68x0 Systems

Automated Uptime Layer for VMware vSphere-based ftServer Systems, Release, includes support for ftServer 28x0, 48x0, and 68x0 systems. For information about upgrading the system software and firmware on ftServer 28x0, 48x0, and 68x0 systems for Release, refer to the following documents that have been updated for this release:

  • Release Notes: Automated Uptime Layer for VMware vSphere-based ftServer Systems 
  • Stratus ftServer System Administrator's Guide for VMware vSphere 
  • Stratus Automated Uptime Layer for VMware vSphere-based ftServer Systems: Installation and Configuration 
  • Stratus ftServer: OPC UA Server Installation Guide 

These are the only manuals in the current release that include information about ftServer 28x0, 48x0, and 68x0 systems. For all other information about maintaining ftServer 28x0, 48x0, or 68x0 system hardware, refer to the original documentation for these systems on the StrataDOC Web site, for example:


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