Defining System Error Messages

For each language on the module, you must define a file containing translated system error messages. Name each file error_codes.language.text and store it in the >system directory. If you do not define such a file, the system will use the file containing error messages in U.S. English that comes with the installation software. This file is named error_codes.text and is stored in the >system directory.

Follow this procedure to define a file containing translated system error messages.

1. Edit the system error messages file named error_codes.tin by translating the error messages written in U.S. English into another language supported by NLS. Name the translated file error_codes.language.tin and store it in the >system>error directory.

2. Copy the file error_codes.dd to the file error_codes.language.dd. Store the file in the >system>error directory.

3. Issue the create_table command, using the error_codes.language.tin file and the error_codes.language.dd file as input. Name the output file error_codes.table and store it in the >system>error directory.

4. Issue the make_message_file command, using the error_codes.table file as input. Name the output file error_codes.language.text and store it in the >system directory.

For information about the create_table and make_message_file commands, see the VOS System Administrator's Guide (R012).

Figure 7-8 shows two error messages in Italian from an error_codes.italiano.tin file. It also shows the messages in U.S. English, from which the Italian was translated.

/    =num   1001
     =name  e$bad_base_addr
     =text  'Indirizzo di base invalido.'   
            /*  Invalid base address.  */
     =category os_error_codes

/    =num   1002
     =name  e$bad_disk
     =text  'Operazione richiesta no pu\'o essere gestita da 
qiesto disco.
            /*  Requested operation cannot be performed on this 
disk.  */
     =category os_error_codes

Figure 7-8. Sample Error Messages in an error_codes.italiano.tin File